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Mazoon Electricity rolls out prepaid meter service in Oman

Now customers in Oman can buy recharge tokens from multiple payment channels available in the Sultanate

Mazoon Electricity, one of Oman’s leading electricity providers, has announced the launch of a prepaid meter service in the Sultanate.

The new prepaid electricity meter service, which is called Siraj, aims to boost energy awareness in Oman. It also provides the facility for customers to keep track of their consumption and spend electricity accordingly.

Now customers can purchase recharge tokens from multiple payment channels available in the kingdom. The minimum value of the recharge tokens is OMR1. Customers will be able to buy tokens 24/7.

In a statement, the company said that ‘Siraj’ prepaid electricity service makes prepayment easier and follows consumers’ credit balance.

Reportedly, its services will be available throughout the weekdays from 4 pm to 9 am, and during the weekend from Thursday 4 pm to Sunday 9 am.

In case of emergencies, Siraj is programmed to not shut down. Even when the recharge token expires, customers will be able to continue using the service until the balance in the meter reaches -OMR2.

Last year, Mazoon Electricity invested around OMR22 million to develop nine power substations in Oman. The substations will have a total capacity of 352 MW. The electricity provider also upgraded some of its existing substations in the second quarter of 2019.

 In 2018, Oman launched a privatisation process of its electricity sector. In September 2019, Mazoon announced that it has achieved a major milestone of more than 98 percent Omanisation within the company.

Salim Said Al Kamyani, acting chief executive at Mazoon Electricity told the media, “We are committed to hiring and developing local talents to help achieve our vision of creating an outstanding electricity distribution and supply company.”

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